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Foundations of Aliveness:


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Potency, Expansion, Bounty

July 22 - August 19

After the spark of AWAKENING, we are often faced with a bounty of ideas — but are they all worth pursuing? How do we decide where to put our energy, time and resources? Whispers of scarcity can creep in and tell you to grasp at everything — and spread yourself too thin. Or the overwhelm of abundance might cause you to freeze — rather than tend to the tiny shoots of your creation.

This four-week study group occurs during the most vibrant and alive time of the year — while summer is in full swing. The fruits of our labor are heavy on the vine, and it’s up to us to tend it wisely. During CREATION we further nurture the spark of our creative energy and ideas -- and expand them, infuse them with potency, and reap the bounty of our genius.

Whether you are focusing on your professional life, your personal life, creating a family or relationship -- or maybe undergoing a transition or a change in your circumstances, this module will give you the insight and tools you needs to create with intention and abandon.

Together we will explore:

Appreciating the bounty of your creativity, while also developing the discernment to direct it wisely

Noticing when you feel overwhelmed and overloaded, and learn tools to remain present with abundance

How to build potency for a project or in a relationship so you don’t diffuse your energy with distraction

Understanding the role that boundaries play during times of expansion

Determining if you need collaboration or solitude — or a little of both — to give your creation the energy it requires

Developing intention as a filter for discernment

Reveling in the joy of innovation while also exercising the limitations when necessary

The true role of procrastination in creation and how to use it as a gift rather than a curse

Knowing when to share your creation with others and when to nurture it in silent reverence as it grows

Course Details

We will gather:

Virtually, in a private Zoom room
(recorded if you have to catch up later)

For four live sessions of 90 minutes each on
July 22, 29 and August 12, 19
@7pm EST

In a closed Facebook group for sharing and support

You may also want to:

Dive deeper into the content with optional readings posted in our group resources.

Complete a weekly activity or reflection designed to deepen the course content.

Attend open office hours (TBA) with Monica for a free-form conversation and coaching upon request.


Other Courses in the Foundations of Aliveness Series



Rest, Reflect, Renew
December 20 - January 10


Connect, Share, Explore
February 12 - March 5


Engage, Activate, Energize
April 9 - 30


Gratitude, Completion, Comfort
October 22 - November 12