Some Days


Girl on Fire by Nessa Dark.png


“Be ignited or be gone.” – Mary Oliver


Some days I am on fire. 
Some days I am nothing more
than the ash, after.
Some days I am drowning
in to-do's and I-should's and 
Some days I feel complete,
like I have done what I came here to do. 
On those days, the dance 
between the sun and the moon 
feels more like monotony 
than magic.
I count those days carefully. 
Because I know they add up faster than the others,
and because they are sneaky, too. 
If I'm not careful - I'll 
miss it. The cue.
After some rest
after contrition, calculation, hibernation
(and always that smattering of resistance) 
it's time 
to ignite. 

image credit: Nessa Dark

What time is it for you? 
Time to ignite? Time to rest? 
Not sure? 

Check out the Pulse program
(and the new Pulse Plus options)
if you would like to take your own pulse,
and work on whatever needs to come alive in your life.

Being in the Pulse program makes you
eligible to attend the annual client retreat
scheduled for August 1-4, 2019 in San Diego, CA.

Contact me for more information.

Monica Anna Day