
Hello! I hope you’re enjoying Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Me This Sh*t Before?: Wit and Wisdom From Women in Business. If you haven’t read it quite yet, we will eventually meet in its pages. Not to give too much away before you’ve read the whole thing, but my letter in the book is a bit... gruesome. I share details about the kind of experience that would make most people wish for a do over – if they survive at all.

So, when I was offered the opportunity to share a bit more with you in this bonus report, I wanted to go deeper into the life lessons I’ve learned in the 32 years since that fateful night! And offer you a chance to try some of them on in your own life – minus the life-altering event. Just hit the “download” button below – and enjoy!

Just think of all the sh*t you get to sidestep now that we told you!

MADly Yours,
